
:تشمل على العديد من برامج ودورات الجرافكس والمونتاج التابعة لشركة "أدوبي"، من أبرز هذه الدورات

  • Adobe Photoshop CC    أدوبي فوتوشوب
  • Adobe Illustrator CC    أدوبي إليستراتور
  • Adobe InDesign      أدوبي إنديزاين
  • Adobe Photoshop   أدوبي أفترإفكت
  • Adobe Premiere      أدوبي بريميير
  • Adobe Dreamweaver   أدوبي دريم ويفر

ولدينا دبلوم متكامل، يضم الأربعة البرامج الأولى: (فوتشوب، إليستراتور، إنديزاين، أفترإفكت)

للتسجيل في الدبلوم: سجــل

:وللتسجيل في أيا من الدورات، فيمكنكم اختيار الدورة المطلوبة من الدورات المحددة أدناه

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular image editing software, used to create and enhance photographs, illustrations, 3D artwork and more. Photographers and graphic designers across the world use Photoshop to perfect their digital images.

Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics software used worldwide by designers of all types who want to create digital graphics, illustrations, and typography for all kinds of media: print, web, interactive, video, and mobile.

Adobe InDesign helps creative publishers thrive and excel in their field without overcomplicating things. InDesign is a professional desktop publishing application that facilitates the creation of stunning page layouts, creative print media, e-books, and other digital publications faster and more efficiently. InDesign is built for designers, prepress and production professionals, and print service providers. It offers beautiful outputs, quality print content, and smooth collaboration. 

Adobe after effects is a software that creates motion graphics and digital visual effects in a film. It is perfect for massive film making for TV production due to the quality and plug-ins editing tools. The software features 3D effects on videos and also able to make videos look like animated cartoons. If you want to create high-quality videos with stunning visual effects, After Effects is the program for you.

There are good reasons Adobe Premiere Pro is such a popular post-production video editing software application. It excels for a wide variety of uses; tapeless and DSLR footage; cross-platforms, open workflows for easy collaboration, powerful metadata features for greater editing and production efficiency, plus real-time 3D editing and Virtual Reality. 

Adobe Dreamweaver  web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. This course will provide web designers with the knowledge and hands-on practice they need to build and manage professional websites.